Do you want to know the story about how these three met? Well lets find out....

The Dancing Fire was cracking as he threw another log in it.
The place he chose was a hollow part of a field where the high ground prevented the wind from blowing on the fire. This allowed the heat to reach its maximum, as much as it could reach in the cold mountain. For those of you that have the pleasure of sitting by a fireplace knows the struggle. One always have to choose between two options, you will heat the front of your body or warm the back.
But the hunter did not mind.
This was not his first fire nor will it be his last, he pushed the log to the middle of the fire and moved his rifle to left side, the left was his good arm after all.
Suddenly, he heard a familiar howl.
The Hunter did not react to it, it was normal for the wolves to howl at the moon at this time of the month.
But the fire kept them at bay. Even if there were dozens of them, the smoke and the fire would discourage them from coming. Without the fire the situation would not be favorable for him.

If an unarmed human is being caught/chased/hunted, by a pack of wolves on an open field there is little chance to escape. They are fast and hunt with coordinated attacks. So, unless one finds a tree to climb and wait them out, he will be thorn apart for sure. But they are too smart to attack armed one, they have learned throughout the years that there is a price to pay if they do and they do not seek to pay it.
But this was a lone wolf. The lone wolves have different stories to tell.
Good evening, - a calmly voice surprised the hunter.
A human voice in the middle of a mountain? Furthermore, coming from behind him? The hunter had extraordinary sense of his surroundings so someone appearing out of nowhere was a shock to him. Instantly grasp the gun and turned his back to the fire, facing the voice that startled him.
Easy friend, – The one with the calm voice raised his hands showing that he means no harm.
The right arm held a walking stick and the left was open, signaling surrender, looked at the hunter with a big smile on his face.
It was a shepherd wrapped in woolen clothes but the hunter was still suspicious.
Explain yourself, who are you and what are you doing here in the middle of the night? – The Hunter raised his tone, not acknowledging the greeting from the shepherd.
I am going up the mountain, – said The Shepherd
What for? - The Hunter asked
There is a hut up there that I am trying to reach, my flock awaits. - explained the shepherd.
In the middle of the night? – asked The Hunter again. Yes, I was delayed and I was preparing to light a fire too, then I noticed this light so I thought of asking to join yours.
I brought the wood, I prepared for it. Turning slowly, he showed the wood collected for his own fire, – said The Shepherd.
Still keeping the eyes on him, The Hunter gestured for him to have a sit.
He still could not explain how he did not see The Shepherd on the open field.
The shepherd on the other hand was not looking at the hunter anymore and thankfully sat by the fire to warm up, placing his walking stick next to him. Unlike The Hunter’s alert nature, he was calm and relaxed.
You are not afraid of the wolves? You did hear them howl, right? – The Hunter asked still in disbelief that someone would walk the forest at night up a mountain.
No, - replied The Shepherd shortly - I have walked in the woods long time. I know how to avoid the wolves and protect my flock from them.
With a walking stick? – the Hunter wondered.
The shepherd laughed out loud, the best weapon one can have against any adversary is his mind my friend.
How about you, do you have enough bullets for a pack of wolves? – asked the shepherd.
The Hunter did not like to be asked questions from someone he does not know, nor did he believe one could defend against a pack of wolves by being smart. So, he just ignored the question and remained silent. The Shepherd stopped rubbing his hands from cold and reached in his bag. He pulled out cheese and bread from it and offered some to The Hunter.
No, thanks, – he replied as he saw shepherd’s hand with the food moving to him.
The shepherd did not hesitate he left his hand out. It’s not warm but it is made this morning and the cheese is also homemade, since I don’t see anything on the fire means you had bad luck hunting today. - said The Shepherd
The Hunter, annoyed by the persistence of the shepherd took the food.
I don’t consider a meal without meat, a proper meal, – said the hunter disappointed.
Neither do I, – a second voice that sneaked by the sense of The Hunters this night. This time The Hunter was on his legs with the riffle pointed at the voice.
A WOLF, joined the campfire.
That was unusual sight. The Shepherd remained calm, still sitting he just grasped his walking stick.
Welcome friend - he greeted The Wolf not surprised at all that a wolf can talk.
What makes you Join Us this fine night, isn’t this good night to hunt for a wolf? – The Shepherd addressed the animal as a person,
I was drawn to you by the Meat talk. Do you have any? - Growled The Wolf showing his teeth to the hunter.
Only bread and cheese, tonight I am afraid - replied The Hunter.
The shepherd threw some bread and cheese to the wolf, and it was devoured by a split second.
It will have to do, – said The Wolf, as he lied down next to the shepherd.
For some reason, this wolf was not afraid of the fire and was not afraid to get close to humans. He watched the fire as an old friend.
That takes me back. – muttered The Wolf mostly for himself.

You don’t mind the fire? - asked The Shepherd – your kind usually avoids people and fire .
Yes, that is true, – confirmed The Wolf – but I am much older than I look.
There was a brief time frame when the wolves and humans hunted together, we helped you find the prey and you fed us. It was then when I learned to enjoy the warmth of this night blooming flower you call a fire.
The Hunter set down his weapon and understood.
His face suddenly changed, his eyes fired up and he started grinning as he come to a strange realization. No wonder he did not notice these two sneaking on them. He thought he will have a boring one sighted conversation with shepherd all night but this night has turned more interesting now. The Wolf and The Shepherd were not just any wolf or any shepherd, they were much like himself.
He took one of the bullets and cut it open with the hunting knife from his waist. Took a bit of the gunpowder and held it in his hands.
So, who will tell a story first? - asked the Hunter
The Hunter threw the flammable powder in the fire and made it larger than before, illuminating the area around for a brief second. This will be an interesting night.